Account Takeover Attack (ATO) Defense: A Guide to Protecting Your Company

Account takeover (ATO) attacks have become a sophisticated and pervasive threat, with criminal organizations targeting businesses of all sizes and types. By gaining unauthorized access to company accounts, attackers can disrupt operations, steal sensitive data, and damage a company’s reputation. As attackers refine their techniques, businesses need a proactive defense strategy. This guide offers leading-edge methods to fortify your business against ATO attacks, protecting your company’s data, reputation, and revenue.

Understanding the changing ATO Threat Landscape

ATO attacks have grown in complexity, leveraging a dynamic combination of social engineering, advanced persistent threats (APTs), and AI-driven programs. Modern attackers often exploit:

  1. Credential stuffing using large databases of leaked or stolen passwords
  2. Automated phishing programs that emulate legitimate business communications
  3. Zero-day vulnerabilities in popular software and systems
  4. Machine learning and AI deep-fake algorithms that attempt to bypass traditional security controls

Account takeover attacks have surged by 330% in the past two years. A staggering 83% of organizations have fallen victim to ATO attacks in the past year. These attacks led to nearly $13 billion in losses last year. While ATO poses a growing and costly threat, implementing strong security measures can significantly improve your organization’s defenses.


Building an Effective Defense Strategy

Reduce The Primary Threat Surface: Account Recovery

Account recovery processes are a prime target for account takeover (ATO) attacks. Often relying on passwords and email addresses, these processes can be easily compromised through phishing attacks and credential leaks. If an attacker acquires leaked credentials, they can initiate account recovery procedures for your critical applications, gaining full control of legitimate accounts without detection.

To effectively defend against ATO, account recovery processes should be a top priority for strengthening security. By incorporating identity verification (IDV) and verifiable credentials into the recovery process, you can significantly reduce the threat surface and prevent ATO attacks. Even if an attacker obtains leaked credentials, they will be unable to complete the ID verification process, ensuring your accounts remain secure.

Deploy Account Takeover Defense: IDV Orchestration

IDV is a powerful defense against ATO attacks, but its implementation can be complex, costly, and difficult to adapt. Many organizations struggle to allocate sufficient resources or time to deploy IDV independently. This is where IDV Orchestration proves invaluable. 

IDV Orchestration simplifies the process of implementing IDV across your organization. It enables you to seamlessly combine and switch IDV providers as needed, customize the user experience, and integrate existing systems without writing code. Automated integration templates streamline the deployment of Entra ID verified credentials and a wide range of strong authentication methods including MFA, FIDO, and KBA

IDV Orchestration enhances your account takeover defenses while saving time and resources. The following video demonstrates identity verification for account recovery using IDV Orchestration.

Enhance Password Security with Modern Techniques

While complex password policies are important, they are no longer effective on their own. Implement advanced password security measures:

  • Enforce security with Phishing-Resistant Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), which requires multiple forms of verification in addition to complex passwords. Not all MFA solutions are Phishing-Resistant. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides comprehensive information on Phishing-Resistant MFA specifications. Follow NIST guidance to help you select the right MFA solution for your use case.
  • Screen passwords against breach password lists to prevent the use of compromised credentials. Credential duplication increases vulnerability and chance of a breach. Blocking the use of breached passwords is a simple way to better protect your systems.
  • Consider passwordless authentication methods like IDV, verifiable credentials, and cryptographic security keys to better protect critical systems.

Ultimately, password-based systems are frail and inherently vulnerable. Strict password policies that require long, complex characters, and frequent changes are essential. But they are difficult to use and easily neutralized when credentials are leaked in a data breach. For the best ATO defense, implement passwordless IDV and MFA for all sensitive accounts. This method improves both security and user experience.

Leverage AI and Machine Learning for Threat Detection

Employ artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automate threat detection and respond to ATO attempts in real-time.

  • Implement User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) to identify anomalous activities and unauthorized users.
  • Use machine learning algorithms to analyze login patterns and flag potential compromises
  • Deploy automated response systems that can temporarily lock accounts or step up authentication policies when suspicious activity is detected

Most Identity Management (IAM) systems include some level of automatic threat detection. You don’t need to be an expert in AI and ML to benefit from these innovative services. Work with your IAM provider to determine the best configuration and process for your organization. Automated threat detection is a powerful way to protect your organization against account takeover.

Conduct Regular Red Team Exercises

Move beyond basic penetration testing by conducting comprehensive red team exercises that simulate real-world ATO attacks.

  • Engage ethical hackers to attempt account takeovers using the latest techniques
  • Use the findings to identify and address vulnerabilities in your security posture
  • Develop and refine incident response playbooks based on exercise outcomes

Innovation in account takeover techniques happens rapidly. A team of ethical hackers can identify new vulnerabilities before they are exploited. They can uncover threats that existing security tools are not prepared to address. Red team programs are an important part of ATO defense hygiene. If a dedicated red team is not available within your organization, you can easily outsource this function.

Foster a Culture of Security Awareness

Transform your employees from potential vulnerabilities into active defenders against ATO attacks.

  • Develop engaging, scenario-based security training programs that simulate real-world ATO attempts
  • Implement gamification elements to encourage ongoing security awareness and best practices
  • Create clear channels for reporting suspicious activities and potential security incidents.

Threat Intelligence and Information Sharing

Stay ahead of emerging ATO threats by actively participating in threat intelligence communities.

  • Join industry-specific Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) to gain sector-specific threat insights
  • Implement automated threat intelligence platforms that integrate with your security stack
  • Regularly update your security controls based on the latest threat intelligence

A Proactive Approach to ATO Defense

As ATO attacks continue to evolve, static defense strategies quickly become obsolete. By implementing IDV Orchestration alongside these advanced techniques and fostering a culture of continuous improvement in security, your organization can significantly reduce the risk of successful ATO attacks. ATO defense is an ongoing process of adaptation, vigilance, and innovation. Stay informed, be prepared, and remain secure in the face of ever-changing ATO threats.


ATO Defense Support

To learn more about ATO defense and how IDV Orchestration can enhance your organization’s security, operational efficiency, and user experience, contact IdRamp today.

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