World’s first Verifiable Credential Service Delivery Platform – Video
Demonstration of IdRamp, the World’s first Verifiable Credential Service Delivery platform for enterprise and SAAS services. Presented at the KNOW One World Identity Investor Forum on August 25th, 2020. With IdRamp business organizations can easily add verifiable credentials to any service and issue credential from any data source. IdRamp simplifies and accelerates service delivery without complex expensive upgrade projects. Through Verifiable Credentials business organizations can eliminate passwords, protect internal systems, and transform the service delivery experience. Watch the video to learn about this groundbreaking solution.
About Verifiable Credentials
Verifiable credentials (VCs) are the electronic equivalent of the physical credentials that we all possess today, such as: plastic cards, passports, driving licences, qualifications and awards, etc. The data model for verifiable credentials is a World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation, “Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0 – Expressing verifiable information on the Web” published 19 November 2019.
The VC model places the holder of a credential at the center of the identity ecosystem, giving individuals control of their identity attributes. This contrasts with the federated identity management (FIM) model, as adopted by SAML and OpenID Connect, which places the identity provider (IdP) in the central role as the dispenser of identity attributes and the determiner of which Service Providers (SPs) it will give them to. In the federated model a user’s privacy is violated, since the IdP knows every SP that the user visits. The W3C VC model, on the other hand, parallels the way we use identification cards today: the user holds plastic cards in their wallet, and can present them to anyone at anytime without requiring the permission of the card issuer. Such a model is decentralized and gives much more autonomy and flexibility to the participants.